Church Council

The Church Council serves as the lay leadership of the congregation, consisting of nine members along with the Pastor. This council is entrusted with a variety of responsibilities essential to the life and mission of the church. They provide guidance on ministry initiatives and ensure they’re in alignment with the church's constitution and the ELCA Virginia Synod guidelines.

Members of the Church Council serve on a three-year rotation, with elections occurring at the annual meeting each January. During their tenure, council members also serve as chairpersons for various committees, facilitating the functionality and organization of church activities.

The Church Council meets on the Thursday following the first Sunday of each month at 7:00 PM. These regular meetings provide a structured opportunity for discussion, decision-making, and the planning of future church activities.

We’re thankful for all members who volunteer their time and efforts to serve in Church Council.

2025 Council Roster


Doug Wolfe

Vice President/Personnel

Kathy Manning


Nancy Moore


John Kingry

Worship and Music

Kathy Manning

Altar Guild

Martha Weirich

Socia Ministry

Cheryl Wolfe

Financial Secretary

Paul Contrado


Cheryl Wolfe


Nancy Reeves & Buz Buzby


Buz Buzby

Evangelism/Christian Education

Ed Carbaugh & John Sonnenberg


Mike Weirich


Beth Souder

Mutual Ministry

Pastor Lucas Cochran

Our Mission

Our Saviour Lutheran Church together in Jesus Christ is freed by grace to live faithfully, witness boldly and serve the community joyfully.