Sunday Worship Services:
8:30am In-person
10:30am In-person and Facebook live
March 5th - Ash Wednesday
Soup Supper 6PM & Worship Service 7PM
Click here for full Lent Worship schedule
4200 Shore Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
A foundation of faith for everything we do
We invite you to worship with us to explore the Scriptures, connect with one another, and grow in our relationship with God. All are welcome to be part of this community as we seek to live out our faith in everyday life.
We offer two services of Word and Sacrament every Sunday at 8:30 AM (early) and 10:30 AM (late). While we would love to see you in person, the late service is also accessible via Facebook Live for those unable to attend or who prefer to worship from home.
After the late service, we gather for fellowship over coffee and light snacks. This is a wonderful opportunity to catch up with friends and make new connections.
Worship Online via Facebook live
Common Questions
Our service follows the ELCA “Revised Common Lectionary Sundays and Principal Festivals”. We’re currently following Year C of the Lectionary.
Printed bulletins are available as you enter the Sanctuary. The bulletins include all the readings, the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, and the hymns recited during the service. They are designed to help members and guests follow along, ensuring that everyone can participate fully in the worship experience without feeling lost.. Click here to access this Sunday’s Bulletin.
All believers in Christ may receive the Lord's Supper. Holy Communion is celebrated at all Sunday services.
We approach the Altar to receive Communion, choosing to kneel or remain standing as we gather. If you are unable to approach, please signal to the Ushers or Pastor, and Communion will be brought to your seat.
The Pastor will distribute the bread, while the Assistant Pastor will distribute the wine (or juice).
If you prefer not to take Communion, you are still welcome to come forward. In this case, place your hands in a prayer position at the Altar to indicate that you would like to receive a blessing from the Pastor.
At the early 8:30 am service, please approach the altar once the Pastor announces that communion is served. For the late 10:30 am service, please wait for an Usher to direct you when to approach the Altar.
Children are welcome to receive full communion, including juice or wine, with the consent of a parent. The cups in the center of the communion tray are filled with apple juice.
For those with alcohol allergies, non-alcoholic apple juice cups are provided in the center of the communion trays.
Our Communion bread is Gluten, Dairy, Soy and Nut free. Canyon Bakehouse is the brand we use for our Communion bread.
You may choose to forgo the wine or juice, if desired, as we believe that those who receive only the bread/wafer partake in the fullness of Christ's communion promise.
Hymns are an integral part of our musical offerings. Our Organist plays these selections either on the organ or piano. During Easter and Christmas, we enhance our music by bringing in guest musicians and forming a choir when available.
Volunteer Opportunities
We’re blessed to have a congregation who volunteers their efforts and time to support our Church. If you would like to volunteer to help out during Worship services, please reach out to the Worship and Music Committee lead for any of the following volunteer opportunities:
Greet and assist attendees as they arrive at the Church and enter the Sanctuary. Provide special help to those needing assistance unloading or walking from their cars.
Welcome first time visitors and make them feel comfortable. Show them where to find restrooms and other facilities.
Assist during Communion by directing congregants when to approach the Altar.
Read Scripture passages or prayers during the service.
Assist the Pastor during Communion by distributing the wine/juice. to those taking Communion.
Setup the Altar for Communion before Service starts.
Clean up the Altar once service concludes.
Wash and put away the elements and do a final check for any tidy up needed before next service.
Join the choir or assist with instruments to enhance the worship experience.
Join the Worship and Music Committee to help plan engaging services, select meaningful songs, and enhance the worship experience for all those attending.
Our Mission
Our Saviour Lutheran Church together in Jesus Christ is freed by grace to live faithfully, witness boldly and serve the community joyfully.