Holiday Giving 2024

Thank you to all of our members for their generous donations that made our Social Ministry projects this holiday season a success. Your support has allowed us to spread joy and hope this Holiday Season through several meaningful initiatives.

Thanksgiving Adopted Families

We provided Thanksgiving food baskets to two Families in need, a single Mom with a 7 year old daughter and a single Mom with 5 teenagers.

Christmas Adopted Families

We provided Christmas food baskets to our same adopted Families hoping to bring Christmas blessings even in times of need.

Christmas Stockings

We filled 40 Christmas stockings for the Salvation Army with gifts and necessities for girls and boys in our community.

VA Beach Correctional Center

We shared holiday cheer by delivering cookies to inmates and guards at the Virginia Beach Correctional Center, fostering goodwill and connection. This was a joint program with other Lutheran Churches in the area: St. Timothy, St. John’s and Emmanuel Lutheran.


Oktoberfest & 68th Church Anniversary